Episode Transcript
[00:00:24] Speaker A: Welcome modern mixtape. Navigating parenthood. I'm your host, Jim, along with my wife, Jenny. We're two parents born in the 70s, raised in the 80s, loved music from the raising kids in the. Frankly, just trying to figure it all out. Let's dive into the mixtape of modern parenting. This is modern mixtape. Listen wherever you get your podcasts and follow us on Instagram X and threads.
[00:00:46] Speaker B: So this is a bonus episode.
[00:00:48] Speaker A: Yes. Our oldest is home for spring break and decided to join us. Hi, Pei.
[00:00:52] Speaker B: Hi. Hey.
We're glad you're here.
[00:00:55] Speaker C: Thank you. I'm glad to be here.
[00:00:57] Speaker B: So welcome back. You're our oldest, and we're glad you're here. And we just wanted to kind of talk about why you're here. We've got three kids, and you're older, and you're over 18, and so that kind of gives you the space to have your own voice. And we kind of decided that sharing information on this podcast, we definitely wanted to give our kids the space to have their own voice, and that's why, with our other two, they're not going to be on the podcast until they're over 18. Gosh, you're almost 2020, which is making me feel really old.
[00:01:41] Speaker A: Well, our middle child is going to be 18 this year.
[00:01:43] Speaker B: I know, which is crazy. Which is crazy. We're going to have two.
[00:01:46] Speaker A: Maybe we'll do a birthday episode with him.
[00:01:48] Speaker B: Yeah, that'll be fun. But we're really glad you're here and you're glad you're joining us, but it makes us realize the difference in the generations, really, because sometimes talking to you guys, it's like, you guys talk to us like we're on a YouTube channel.
[00:02:06] Speaker A: Yeah, basically.
[00:02:09] Speaker B: So we thought it'd be fun to kind of get us started to have you give us some terms from your generation, and we'll give you some terms from our generation to see if we actually understand each other.
[00:02:24] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:02:25] Speaker B: You want to get started?
[00:02:26] Speaker C: Do you want to go first?
[00:02:28] Speaker B: No, you can do one.
[00:02:29] Speaker C: Okay. My first one is one I've been saying a lot more since I've been home is wamp, womp, womp, womp.
[00:02:36] Speaker B: Okay, you want to take that one?
[00:02:38] Speaker A: Do you know what that know womp womp reminds me of Charlie Brown.
[00:02:43] Speaker B: You think it means Charlie Brown?
[00:02:44] Speaker A: Yeah. Remember when the teacher would talk, they'd say, yes, ma'am.
[00:02:49] Speaker B: I think it has to do something with vehicles, like stomping. No, no. I have no idea what is.
[00:02:57] Speaker C: For example, I would say, oh, yeah, I just have been really busy today, and someone could say, womp.
[00:03:05] Speaker B: Womp would never have gotten that.
[00:03:08] Speaker A: Okay.
I think I know where that came from.
[00:03:12] Speaker B: Yeah.
Okay. One of our terms has to do with this podcast. A mixtape.
[00:03:23] Speaker C: Oh, it's the. Where you. I forgot what it's called. Is it called a cassette? Is that what it's called, like, a cassette, and then you put it in?
[00:03:31] Speaker A: It is. But do you know what a mixtape is?
[00:03:33] Speaker C: No.
[00:03:35] Speaker A: Do you want to do this, or do you want me to do it?
[00:03:37] Speaker B: You can take.
[00:03:38] Speaker A: All right. So, for us, a mixtape was.
Some of us had a boombox. Another one you didn't know about.
You could record songs off the radio, and we would get a mix of our favorite songs. A song would come on, and you go, oh, I got it. And then you'd record it, and then on that cassette, you'd have a mix of all these songs that you really liked. And whenever you started dating in, I'd say, high school, because I didn't date until high school. But if you had a girl that you really liked, you made her a mixtape of all your songs, you poured out your feelings that way.
[00:04:16] Speaker C: Is it like the guardians of the Galaxy, where. Sorry, this is, like, a really squirrel moment, but is it Starlord's mixtape that he has?
[00:04:23] Speaker A: Probably.
[00:04:23] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:04:24] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:04:24] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:04:24] Speaker C: That his mom gave?
[00:04:25] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:04:26] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:04:26] Speaker B: Do another one.
[00:04:27] Speaker C: Okay. Another one is just saying real.
[00:04:30] Speaker B: I think that's just, like, an accent word. Like, dude, that's real.
[00:04:34] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what we say. Someone says, man, today is just. Man.
[00:04:40] Speaker B: It's a better choice word than, like, a swear word.
[00:04:44] Speaker C: Yeah, we're, like, real.
That's real. And so that's something that I'll say all the time.
[00:04:49] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, so this one, I have a picture.
When we're done, I'll tell you guys what it is. Since we don't have video. Do you know what this is?
It's a little plastic thing, has a little display screen. It has a little clip.
[00:05:06] Speaker C: I just see the red button.
[00:05:07] Speaker A: There's a red button.
There's a gray button, too.
[00:05:12] Speaker C: I just see.
[00:05:13] Speaker A: Don't see the gray button over here.
[00:05:15] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what I was trying to see. What it has. It looks like it's like an arrow or something on it.
[00:05:20] Speaker A: Okay. Any ideas what it is?
[00:05:23] Speaker C: No.
[00:05:24] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:05:24] Speaker B: Jen, you want to tell her it's a pager.
[00:05:27] Speaker C: What the heck is a pager? Someone please explain this to me.
[00:05:30] Speaker A: Go ahead.
[00:05:31] Speaker B: So, that is how we had to communicate. I had one in high school. Mine happened to be clear blue. And you'd, like, page your friends with these codes, because we didn't have cell phones.
[00:05:41] Speaker C: Oh, shoot.
[00:05:41] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:05:42] Speaker A: So basically it was so you could send the number where you're at and then they could call you back.
[00:05:46] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:05:46] Speaker C: So it's not like Snapchat or anything like that.
[00:05:49] Speaker A: If you're at your friend's house, you're like, hey, what's your number? And you type it in. And then somebody would call their house and be like, I'm looking for so and so.
[00:05:56] Speaker C: And then, oh, see, that's how it is.
[00:05:58] Speaker B: Okay, pick one more.
[00:06:00] Speaker C: One more?
[00:06:00] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:06:01] Speaker C: Okay. This is a good one. This is one that I say, and I'm curious if you all will pick up on it. I say straight gas.
[00:06:07] Speaker B: Straight gas?
[00:06:08] Speaker C: Straight gas.
[00:06:09] Speaker A: Like fire, bro.
[00:06:11] Speaker B: Just straight gas.
[00:06:12] Speaker A: Okay. Would that be good?
[00:06:14] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:06:15] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Hey, look at me.
[00:06:16] Speaker B: Is it like straight fire?
[00:06:18] Speaker C: For example, I make pasta on the weekends, and it's like, with a meat sauce and everything, and it's like rayos and the whole deal. And I say, this is straight gas.
[00:06:27] Speaker B: So it's good.
[00:06:28] Speaker C: It's good food.
[00:06:28] Speaker A: It's lit.
[00:06:33] Speaker C: Glazed. It's gone from lit to busting to straight gas. That's what it is now. Oh, my God.
[00:06:37] Speaker B: Okay, last one.
[00:06:38] Speaker A: That's true. Why don't you pick the last one?
[00:06:40] Speaker C: I had such. Another good one.
[00:06:44] Speaker B: Encyclopedia Britannica.
[00:06:47] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:06:47] Speaker C: Oh, Encyclopedia Britannica. Isn't there a website of Britannica? And it's like basically the online version of an encyclopedia.
[00:06:55] Speaker B: I'll give you half credit. So when we had it, it wasn't a website. It was actually not a book.
[00:07:03] Speaker C: It was a set of books.
[00:07:05] Speaker B: And then we'd get a new one every year.
[00:07:07] Speaker C: Oh, see now that's like. See now all those books, how much the generation has come along. All those are now on the Internet.
[00:07:14] Speaker A: Thanks. We know.
[00:07:15] Speaker B: Thanks.
[00:07:16] Speaker A: That is not straight gas.
[00:07:18] Speaker C: I love it.
[00:07:20] Speaker B: When we were young, we did not have the Internet. The interwebs. I know.
[00:07:25] Speaker C: That's crazy. They all didn't have Internet. I can't imagine it.
[00:07:28] Speaker A: We, not going to lie, are the ones that came up with it.
[00:07:32] Speaker B: But that right there is exactly why, when we think about it, sometimes when we look at life skills, we get kind of mind blown because you say things like, you guys didn't have the Internet. And we're just like, how do you not know how to do this? And we just are like, shaking our heads as parents. Because I think back to it, like, when we were in school and there were classes like Homec and I did four h, where I was taught how to sew. And so these life skills that I think.
I guess I just assumed. I just was taught them, or I don't know how I thought I learned these skills. But now I look at the kids, and now that you're off at college, we had to teach you a lot of stuff, and you're still learning, and our other kids are still learning, but it was like we had to teach them because it's not happening in schools.
[00:08:32] Speaker C: Right.
[00:08:32] Speaker A: Well, by the same token, we had to learn, too. I mean, you're not just given this knowledge.
[00:08:36] Speaker B: I know, but I guess there was opportunity in school, but the generations are so different. So that was kind of the point of our fun little game, is that you're talking about straight fire and straight lit or whatever, straight gas, and we're still, like, laughing about mixtapes and things like that. And so there's this kind of communication gap where.
[00:08:59] Speaker A: Okay, so if you're going to go terminology. One of the biggest things when we were growing up was somebody would say, ooh, that's rad.
[00:09:06] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:09:07] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, I've heard that before.
[00:09:09] Speaker A: You'd see, what's a couple of other ones? There's a couple of other ones bitching. Oh, bitching. Bitching was definitely good.
Those are two staples in my life, for sure.
[00:09:20] Speaker B: Yeah.
But you're now off at college.
[00:09:25] Speaker C: I am.
[00:09:25] Speaker B: And you didn't have homec and school?
[00:09:29] Speaker C: No, I did not.
[00:09:29] Speaker B: So there were a lot of life skills that you had to learn, especially because you chose to go out of state to college. So why did you choose to go out of state to college?
[00:09:40] Speaker C: I wanted to go out of state not only for my degree, which is what I want to pursue, which is equine studies, and then a minor in equine assisted therapy. But I also wanted to go to a smaller school that was better for me because I get very anxious when there's a lot of people around. It's something that just happens. And I just was very much like, I need a smaller school, and I also need a school that has my degree that I want to do. And unfortunately, here in Texas, at home, they didn't have that. Here at a school that I could go to. It was all either animal science, which is a very broad major, and then you have your agricultural science, which is nothing compared to what I wanted to do. So that's why I found Emory, and Henry and I ended up going there, and I really love it over there. It's a beautiful area.
[00:10:28] Speaker A: So there was a lot to prepare for before you left.
[00:10:32] Speaker C: Yeah, oh, there. Definitely.
[00:10:33] Speaker A: You kind of went to the at homes skills boot camp. Yeah, let's get into that.
[00:10:39] Speaker B: Yeah. So it really started, I think, before college that we realized we needed to kind of start not only preparing you, but just your siblings with kind of just life skills. Know, you've always kind of said this, and I think it was from Brene Brown that we have to prepare the child for the path. Not the path.
[00:11:05] Speaker A: Not the path for the child.
[00:11:06] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:11:06] Speaker B: And I think that was kind of our eye opening moment. But I think for me, it happened during COVID where all of a sudden, I went from being traveling to a stay at home mom with you guys, and all of a sudden, I'm watching you guys do things around the house that I assumed you guys could do, whether it was laundry or basic cooking skills. And I was watching your brother attempt to make toast, and he did not know how to use our toaster. And I don't know why I assumed he knew how to make toast, but I guess I just. Osmosis. I just assumed he knew how to make toast. And so that right there was like, we need to teach these kids some life skills. But I think part of it was on me, and my therapist has called me out on this, that I was making breakfast sandwiches for you guys and putting them in a little bin in the fridge, and you guys could take a breakfast sandwich and heat it up. And that was my way of helping. But my therapist said, jenny, you're enabling. And so I wasn't creating those opportunities to learn for you guys.
[00:12:14] Speaker A: So I think where that stems from? And this just totally hit me off the top of my head because I think about that stuff, too. And when they were going to school, we made their lunch.
[00:12:22] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:12:22] Speaker A: So it was just easy, oh, I'm up. I'll make their lunch. I'll make their breakfast. It's fine.
And then as it progressed, you and I are from a generation where we wanted to do stuff by ourself. We wanted to learn how to cook. We wanted to do that. Well, I don't need you.
[00:12:38] Speaker B: Well, and that's what I think we talked about in the last podcast was it's that generational difference of them starting and wanting to do stuff on their own versus now you guys have the judgment of social media. And before you want to try something, there's that risk of, like, am I going to mess it up? And that failure. And so then I step in as a mom, and I'm like, I'll help you guys, but that helping creates this. I'm not helping. I'm enabling.
[00:13:10] Speaker A: Yeah, we're not raising Michelin star chefs. We're not even raising line cooks. I try my best, but you got to start somewhere.
[00:13:18] Speaker B: Well, but that's where my therapist said I had to create an opportunity for you guys to learn. And that's also what when our oldest son went through this experience and the counselors said, hey, you have to create leadership opportunities for him. And that also starts in the home. And so even if he's not doing it right, like, if it's ugly at first, if scrambled eggs are going all over to the stove, you still have to let him try. And I think, like, teaching you life skills to go to college, the laundry might get messed up, but you still have to create space for them to try and kind of mess up. And that's kind of during COVID That was great because it kind of became this life skills boot camp of, like, let's start laundry. And one of the fun things we did was the chopped kitchen. Oh, man, that was really fun. I don't know if you remember that pay, but that was kind of the first cooking experience getting you guys in, because I think that cooking experience really started to prepare you for college in terms of having that. But I think we each picked an ingredient. Like, we each kind of picked some stuff to put in the basket, and then it was kids versus the parents, which was kind of unfair because I love to cook, but what it did is it got the kids out of their comfort zone.
[00:14:55] Speaker C: Absolutely.
[00:14:56] Speaker B: And it got you guys all cooking, and that's kind of where it started.
And I think that also helped us learn. And you guys kind of learned from failing. And there was a lot of failing as you started to learn from college.
[00:15:12] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
I definitely learned follow the speed limits, especially when you live in a different state, because don't get me wrong, the Texas speed limits are great.
[00:15:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:15:27] Speaker C: I love being able to go 80 down the highway, but in Virginia, you cannot do that. And I learned that the hard way and got pulled over.
And so I just remember calling you, like, sobbing and being like, I messed up. Oh, God. And realizing that it happens and that I failed, but I learned from it, and now cruise control is my best friend. Yeah.
[00:15:51] Speaker B: And that's okay. Do you think you learn more from failing or getting it right the first time?
[00:15:57] Speaker C: I learned more from failing 100%. I can't say that I'd agree with that, because when I realized that I messed up at something, it gave me kind of the motivation and the kind of the fire within me to try and do it again and get it right.
[00:16:12] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:16:13] Speaker C: And that's what really helped me because I feel like, yeah. Did I get some stuff right on the first try?
[00:16:18] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:16:19] Speaker C: But I just kind of now was like, it was kind of like a click file save moment. And now I'm like, okay, I kind of want to mess it up now so that then I can learn from it and just keep going and try and figure it out instead of making things easy.
[00:16:34] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:16:35] Speaker A: One of the best things that I've taken away. And I try to do this because we did the one in a row. I like to come up with some of these little things that kind of, the kids can assimilate. And everybody knows I'm a baseball fan and I tell everybody. Did you know that most baseball players strike out more than they get hits?
[00:16:52] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:16:53] Speaker A: That's why they have an average. So you're taught as a baseball player, you're going to fail.
[00:16:58] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:16:59] Speaker A: You're going to.
You're not going to hit 1000. You're not even going to hit 500.
You just got to accept it and you just got to.
[00:17:08] Speaker B: Well, and I think we've had to really create the space for failure. Oh, yeah. And that we've had to work on ourselves as parents that failure is going to be okay, but what's the learning lesson for failure but still create that structure of discipline and that when you guys do mess up, because we mess up, too. We are not perfect parents.
But something I learned is that I thought with you and your sister is that I wasn't sharing with you guys when I was failing. And so that was something I had to tweak with myself when I was failing at work or having a hard time. I had to share with you guys when I was failing so you guys could see that I was having a.
[00:18:03] Speaker A: Hard time, that not everybody's getting it right.
[00:18:06] Speaker B: Yeah. Because when you came to me and you're like, well, mom, you're always getting it right.
[00:18:11] Speaker C: And I was like, dude, I not.
[00:18:14] Speaker B: Getting it right because that was the last thing I wanted to model for you as a mom was that I was getting it right all the time because, man, I learned so much from failing. Like you said, I probably learn more from failing than I do getting it right all the time.
So what do you think are the top five life skills that we taught you before college? What's the first one that we kind of worked through now that you've been at college for? Gosh, you're wrapping up your freshman year almost a year, which is frightening to me.
[00:18:51] Speaker C: I'm really stoked about it. I feel like I've done really well, and I think I've passed with flying colors. The fact I made the dean's list first semester, I'm really stoked about that and really proud of myself, and I'm glad I'm giving myself that credit finally. And I'm not telling myself, oh, that's not enough for mom and Jim. That's not enough for them. Because I know me going out of state and me going on this journey and me now having my horse at college and everything like that, I just have taken it and just have basically taken off. I mean, in the last episode, you all said, our oldest really now just takes the reins and just says, I'm.
[00:19:26] Speaker B: Going to do it.
[00:19:27] Speaker C: I'm going to be the first one to do it. And I'm really thankful that I had two parents show me that that's okay. You can just say jump, right, and we're going to do it. And guess what? If you fail, it's okay.
It's okay to mess things up before you realize you can get things right. You have to have that failure. And I can't stress that enough. And I think because I was such a perfectionist back then, I always wanted to get everything right the first time. And now I realize I can mess things up. And it is what it is. Or as I said before, I would say, if I mess something up, I'll be like, wamp, wamp. Oh, well, move on.
That's just what I do now. And that's kind of how I keep myself in check of, like, guess what? You're not perfect. You're a human.
[00:20:07] Speaker A: That's how it goes.
I wrote down here, we, as parents, we need to create, like, a fallback space. Yeah, you're going to mess up. Let's give you a spot to sit back and do a little bit of self reflection and maybe go over where you might have gone wrong.
[00:20:23] Speaker B: Yeah. So you think that's probably one of the big skills, the first skill you learned? Yeah.
[00:20:28] Speaker C: And then another thing that I think now, I guess going into the very more specific skills, like narrowing it down, the biggest one I said that I have is money management and budgeting, because being a teenage girl, I love staying in the fashion trends. I always love seeing what the new outfit is. What's the new fashion trend? Like, seeing that plaid's coming back and all these things?
[00:20:51] Speaker B: Oh, God.
[00:20:51] Speaker C: Yeah. I get super excited.
[00:20:53] Speaker A: And I definitely coming back.
[00:20:54] Speaker C: It is.
[00:20:55] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:20:57] Speaker B: If you ask my mom, plaid never left.
[00:20:59] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:21:00] Speaker A: Neither did mom jeans.
[00:21:01] Speaker C: Love grandma. Oh, I love mom Jeans. That's something. I swear by now is mom jeans. They're great.
But, yeah, I had a really bad shopping problem. And I'll admit, sometimes it definitely still gets the best of me while I'm at college. Now that I don't have my mom and Jim saying, you don't need it, you don't need it. And that's definitely hard for me because you realize you're on your own. You don't have someone telling you, you can't do this, you can't do that. You basically are just taking care of yourself at this point.
[00:21:29] Speaker A: Oh, you know what my favorite story was? While you were off at college, your mom went, she drinks core water.
[00:21:35] Speaker C: Yeah, I do.
[00:21:37] Speaker A: Why?
[00:21:38] Speaker C: Yeah, no, I was trying to, like. Because I love.
Don't get me wrong, I love social media. It's great. But I think being in college, I've noticed how unrealistic it is at college and that literally 90% of the time when you see these girls that are all dressed super cute for the day, I'm literally in leggings and a sweatshirt.
Yeah, I don't do the OTD. That I love Chloe holiday. That she does. She's incredible. I love her.
It's just not realistic.
[00:22:05] Speaker A: Right.
[00:22:05] Speaker C: But being at college.
[00:22:07] Speaker B: But even Chloe Holiday give her a lot of credit. She has done posts with stuff from. Yeah, you know, but that's where you bring up the core water thing when you first, when you're buying, like, core water.
[00:22:21] Speaker C: Because I was like, oh, I want to be bougie. This is great.
[00:22:24] Speaker B: And I'm like going, hello, let's stock the fridge with Walmart water. But that's where we did a little budget lesson about looking on the label of the cost of stuff, either per unit or per ounce. And cost comparison. And budgeting is like a lifelong skill. You have to work at it and really think long term. And it's something we still talk about all the time. Oh, yeah. And you have to work at it.
[00:22:51] Speaker C: Well, like, for example, the core waters were in a six pack and cost me probably maybe six, $7. And I would get like, two of those, and that would only last me basically a week. And now I get the 45 pack of water that I can just store underneath my bed. And that lasts me almost like two months.
[00:23:05] Speaker B: Yeah, well, maybe not two months.
[00:23:08] Speaker C: I make the water last just because it goes in between the coffee machine.
[00:23:12] Speaker B: So what about laundry? We started working on this. All three of our kids do their own laundry. And, frankly, all five of us do our own laundry because we're all very particular.
[00:23:27] Speaker A: Really?
[00:23:28] Speaker B: I don't do your laundry.
[00:23:29] Speaker A: Oh, I know you don't do my laundry. I don't know if it's really particular.
I have been yelled at. Don't put my stuff in the dryer.
[00:23:37] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:23:39] Speaker B: So laundry.
[00:23:41] Speaker C: Laundry at school is definitely different because it's a community space.
First floor doesn't have their own washer, and second and third floor do in the building that I live in. So I got to hike up the stairs and go make sure I bring my soap and my dryer sheets and everything with you so that you don't have to make a trip back down to your room, because you never know. Someone could just finesse that washer from you, and you're like, great, now I got to wait another hour before I can actually do my laundry.
[00:24:13] Speaker A: I got news for you. It's kind of like that around here, too.
There's a lot of shouting on the weekends. Who's in there?
[00:24:19] Speaker B: Finish laundry.
[00:24:20] Speaker A: But you don't have to lug stuff around, though.
[00:24:22] Speaker B: But aren't you glad that before you went to school that we were really big on, hey, let's get your laundry done, like, every week so you didn't have mounds of laundry to do, and you kind of got in that cycle?
[00:24:35] Speaker C: Yeah, some people I've seen that live in my hallway, they don't do laundry for at least maybe two weeks. And I'm like, where do you find these clothes? Do you just, like, make them pop out of thin air?
[00:24:47] Speaker B: I don't know. You had your moments in high school where you pushed back on us.
[00:24:50] Speaker C: Oh, I did, 100%. I would be like, this isn't that dirty. But literally, there would be, like, a stain on my pants, and I'd be like, it's fine. And it was rough. It was rough. But I'm really thankful that you guys really kind of harped on me at those moments. Like, you all found the right moments, when to harp on me and when to be like, okay, we got to back off. And that's something I'm really happy that you all did, because you all let me be like, all right, you can learn and see what happens when you run out of clothes. But then when you saw it got to a point where it was out of control, to the point where literally clothes were just all over the floor. Like, you couldn't even see my floor. You were like, yeah, this is a problem. You need to get your life together.
[00:25:28] Speaker B: And that's where you weren't doing the five minute pickup.
[00:25:31] Speaker C: I was not. That's another big thing, is when you're sharing a space with someone, you need to make sure whatever your person does that you live with does their own thing. That's their business. But what I've noticed is, like, hey, if I can keep my space clean, and it's clean, it's nice, and stuff like that, I'm good. That's all that matters. And I've noticed when I have a messy space, I'm very stressed out, and I get. My anxiety is just through the roof, because I'm like, great. This is another thing that's onto the laundry list of things I have to do, especially in college, when you're trying to keep up with assignments, trying to make sure you're not missing anything, and especially being a college athlete, trying to go to weights and trying to go to all the things and be with your friends and make sure you feed.
[00:26:13] Speaker A: Yourself, not to mention going to the barn. Working at the barn.
[00:26:16] Speaker C: Yeah. That's a whole other thing, too. Like the fact I picked up a job my first semester of college.
I remember you saying, oh, let's wait a year. And I was like, no, I got a job. We're good.
[00:26:27] Speaker B: Yeah, you went and just did that on your own.
[00:26:29] Speaker C: Yeah, I just got a job because I was like, I need to make money. I need to make some sort of income. And so that was super important. And just trying to balance all those things and then realizing, hey, let me just take, like, ten minutes and do my laundry.
It's a great thing to do.
[00:26:45] Speaker B: But that's where the concept we started with our kids. Just take five minutes.
[00:26:50] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:26:51] Speaker B: Everybody has five minutes. Take five minutes. And if you just do five minutes, it doesn't get into that mountain of cleaning.
Yeah, the drudgery of, like, oh, my God, my room is a total disaster zone. Like, hazmat suits are needed. And I've seen it with all of our kids, frankly, I've seen it with my own room where I've gotten busy. I've been focusing on other stuff.
[00:27:15] Speaker A: Travel days. When you get home from travel days.
[00:27:17] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:27:18] Speaker A: Your suitcase vomits.
[00:27:20] Speaker C: Oh, no.
[00:27:21] Speaker A: That's how mine and I go.
I make a space in the middle of the night. If I have to go to the bathroom, that's it.
[00:27:28] Speaker C: That's how my dorm.
[00:27:29] Speaker A: But I let you handle that on your own. And I try to tend to my space the same way when we both travel.
[00:27:35] Speaker B: No, I will say, like Peyton said, the common areas, the living room, all of that. I will deal with all of that before. I will take care of my room, which I hate because it stresses me out very much, like Peyton. But I really doesn't stress you out that much.
[00:27:49] Speaker A: You fall asleep every night. No problem.
[00:27:52] Speaker C: I think it's the tart cherry juice, guys.
[00:27:54] Speaker A: Could be the tart cherry juice.
[00:27:56] Speaker C: Go look that medical study up.
[00:27:57] Speaker B: It's a great study.
And then I think we kind of talked about the cooking. I'm so glad that you can cook for yourself. You do some basic cooking, and we kind of taught you that. I don't know if it's.
[00:28:10] Speaker A: There's also a caveat, what with that.
Well, yeah, Peyton is dairy free and gluten free.
[00:28:16] Speaker C: So being gluten free and dairy free and being at college, which you don't meet a lot of kids that have allergies, I'll be super upfront about that. You don't meet a lot of kids that really have that many dietary restriction. Know, most of the time, if kids have that, usually colleges are like, I don't know, and stuff like that and things like that. But then what's great about Emory is they have a simple serving station, and it's like basically the three major food groups you need. And that's great. I love going there. It's nice to go eat with my friends. But I realized I just have picked up on my mom's love for cooking that I truly do just love cooking for myself. It makes me happy. And just cooking on the weekends because the hours for the calf are different. And when I get back from work, they're already closed. So I have to basically make my own food. And I don't want to be living off of going out to eat because, one, that eats into my budget, and two, it's just not healthy.
[00:29:17] Speaker B: I was going to say I'm glad you know how to do some of that basic cooking. And I think it kind of stemmed from.
We started that before you left.
[00:29:25] Speaker C: The things I've made at school, I've made like, I mean, for Super bowl night, I did, because we all watched the Super bowl. We rolled out a giant tv and watched the Super bowl and all had a great time. I made little. Just hot dogs for everybody. Like, literally just boiled the water, put the hot dogs in there. Easy. Done.
It's simple things like that that you just need to learn, because when you're at college, if you have access to a cooking space, use it. I cannot recommend that enough. Use it.
[00:29:54] Speaker B: This was a good bonus episode. Thanks for joining us. Pay so I think we're going to do another bonus episode with you while we've got you here. But as we wrap up another episode of modern mixtape, we want to thank you for tuning in and sharing this journey through parenthood with us. Thanks guys. Yeah, we appreciate you being here.
[00:30:14] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. Thanks, Pat.
[00:30:21] Speaker B: Modern mixtape is produced and recorded by Jenny and Jim Pruden, edited and mixed by Grey Bear Erickson at the sanctuary theme song written and performed by Greybear Erickson.